On my way home in a public transport some few days ago. There was a traffic gridlock. The vehicle movements were so slow. It's the type that we call "go slow" over here. One peculiar thing about this kind of situation is the fact that when you are on a particular lane, and you see the other lane moving, you will wish you were on that other lane. Back to the story. Our driver was torn between two options; remaining on his present lane, or switching over to a lane that seems free.
Passengers started airing their opinion. Go this way, go that way. Everybody giving advise on the top of their voice with cogent reasons. Now the driver becomes more confused than he was initially. All this happened in less than a minute, and the driver has a few secomds to make a decision.
The same is the scenario in the world over. We find ourselves at junctions where we need to make decisions. Decisions which might be major or minor, but still goes a long way in affecting us. At some poimts in our lifes, we are faced with issues that requires us to do something, and do it real fast. Unfortunately, many found themselves in this position unprepared, thereby taking decisions that are not deeply thought out.
The best people can do for you is to advise you. The onus is on you as a person to decide what you really want to do. People will only put themselves in your shoe, but in actual sense, the shoe is still yours and only you knows where it's really itching. Opinions are always welcome. Ideas are surely being entertained. But the real decision maker is you. In the case of the driver, despite all the shoutings, no one came to hijack the wheel from him. He still has the wheel in his hands. He still determines which way to go whether the opinion makers are satisfied or not. Its his call. So also are you.
Finally, whenever you take a decision, take full responsibility for it. Whether it's the right or wrong, be respomsible for your decisions. If it's the right one, teach others. If it's the wrong one, learn from it. This life is a leraning stage. The more we live, the more we learn.
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