Sunday, 8 January 2017


When something new is about to happen, or a new event is taking place, there is this zeal with which we all carry on. A kind of attribute that makes us look like finally what i av been waiting for is here, let me get to work immediately. We make promises upon promises. Resolutions and determinations becomes the order of the day. And then gradually, as time ticks, as minutes becomes hours, hoirs days and days weeks and months, we start to soft pedal. I still have a whole lot of time ahead of me to do that; we say to ourselves.

We are in a new year, andamidst the jubilations and rejoicing, we must be cognisant of the fact that the time is ticking. Like a recitation we used to do when we were young (not as if i am old now though), tick says the clock tick tick. What you have to do do quick. When it started, it was with a fresh zeal. Some people gomas far as putting pen to paper to itemise what they propose to have achieved by the time the year will be winding down. A very laudable effort i must say. But hope it wont end there.

The purpose of writing down is to be able to run with it that runneth. There will be times in the course of the year when it will seem as if everything is in a stand still. Times you look aroumd and discover you are standing there all alone. Times the resources and the wherewithal to accomplish your goals are not just available. When that time comes, what will be your response to it. What will you think of as the next in line of action.

We all make plans. Good. But the mistake we most probably do is not making the plans adequately. How subjective and objective are the plans you have for the new year. That hopefully will be a discussion for another day. Meanwhile, its never too late to start the new year with goals and plans that can see you through it.

See you next time. Please feel free to drop your comments and respomse here. Thanks

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