The second part of this talk will be on habit. If there is anything that determines the kind of life a person lives, habit sure takes a big crunch. Habit is a routine of behaviour that a person exhibits over time and finally becomes a sub conscious action. Truth be told, habit goes a long way in determining who you are. It gives a definition of your personality. And its very important to note that it is a reactionary chain. Something leads to habit, and habit in turns leads to somethings. There is this popular saying that the bad habit you dont drop will definitely drop you. Its very clear.
Most times when topic like this is being raised, the things that comes to mind are bigger forms of habits. We tend to characterise them as the big ones. We lookmin the direction of smoking, drinking and so on. But it is essential for us to also take critical look at those small small habits that we tend to overlook. Gossiping, hatred, lies etc. These and many more are habits that affectsnour way of living.
One thing that should be noted is that habit is a function of our thoughts, which in turn is a function of our words. Habit in turn determines our attitude to life. Our attitude in turn determines our character. Our character is our life. Your character is you. (Hopefullym we share minds about character soon). The bottom linenis this: to get rid of the little habits that might definitely be detrimental to our lives. How do we get rid of bad habits? How do we live the kind of life we really desire for our selves?
Firstly, be warry of the company you keep. Show me your friend, and i will tell you the kindmofmperson you are. Evil communication they say corrupts good manners. If there is a particular kind of habit you are determined to drop, take a careful and truthful look at the kind of company you believe makes you susceptible, find a way to domaway with such. It sill be a bit difficult in the beginning, but it surely helps on the long run.
Secondly, watch the environment you find yourself. There are some habits that are dependent on the kind of areas you are. Try as much as possible to keep off such areas.
Thirdly, engage yourself with materials that advices against that habit. Reading goes a long way in helping you have better understanding from people with loads of experience. Readers are leaders. Take a full grasp of your life through deading of good books.
Lastly, seek advise. Seek for counselling. Talk with people that can help you. Share your mind with people that have something to offer you. There is wisdom in the multitude of counsel. A lot of people have gone that same road that you find yourself. They can help you. Do not keep the issues to yourself. A problem solved is half shared.
Finally, the process starts now. Its never too late to begin a process. Keep your mind on the end end mark. You will be a better person.
I love you.
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