Saturday, 1 October 2016

Let GO(II)...........FORGIVENESS

Whenever we talk of letting go, the first thing that comes to mind of several individuals is the issue of forgiveness.  What a very powerful word. Quite a lot of times, we have been abused, battered, offended and wronged. Many a times, it seems as if we were helpless. We were being looked down upon. Our stature, position, financial capacity and so on are factors that have affected and deny us the fair share of right attitude to be meted out to us. Many of us see forgiveness as a way of doimg a so called very big favour to the person involved. We see it as something we need to hold unto until the party involve comes around begging for it. Even in the course of begging, there is the need for us to flex our muscle. Oh what a wromg understanding.

Nothing can be farther from the truth. I describe forgiveness as the ability you possess as an individual to overlook the wrong done to you by someone else. Thats the simple definition i will like to give. And by overlooking, you are not having a biased mind against the fellow. What a very hard thing to do, you might think.

Forgiving the wrong someone else did against you should not be seen as a favour to that person. No! As a matter of fact, you are doimg yourself a great deal of good by letting go of the anger and bitterness you harbour towards your fellow. If there is one thing i am sure of, forgiveness guarantees peace of mind. It definitely looks tough and hard to do, especially when you consider the level of hurt or affliction you passed through as a result of the culprit. However, its only in the interest of you as a person to see it as an opportunity to free yourself from internal self destruct. You would have imagined how a couple of times, you feel like breaking or destroying something whenever you remember the wickedness of that fellow towards you. But i need you to realise this. Every time you have this feelings, it affects you as a person. You lost your joy, peace etc. Unfortunately,  the fellow doesn't even know what you are passing through. Does he really care? I doubt! Harbouring this kind of bitterness has been likened to improsoning yourself. Your liberty, freedom, identity are all at stake.

Am sure you really wish you can just yank it off your mind, but it always comes back.
The solution is not in believing that you are not loosing control of your mental ability. Its not in thinking that you are above the situation. The only solution is in letting go of the hatred, the bitterness, the anger, vile or what name you can think of. Forgiveness is the key. It unleashes your happiness,  liberty, freedom. It makes you the better person. Forgiveness makesmyou the stronger person. Your ability to forgive is an indication of your level of maturity as an individual.  Forgiveness is not what you will see in a child. It takes maturity to forgive someone irrespective of the situation or circumstance.

Take that bold step today. Your colleague at work, your friend down the street, your family member, your ex, anyone you can think of. If possible, take a list and start listing out the names of people that have wronged you in the past. That might just be the beginning of your healing process. You deserve to live better. You deserve to be better. Never allow that anger against someone else rob you of the good life you are to live on earth. Forgiveness should never be a religious affair. Irrespective of the religion you profess, make forgiveness an habit. Overlook the wrong that people do to you. Never allow that person to determine your state and level of happiness. Take the comtrol of your emotions from them. Take over. You own your life, and you owe a duty to yourself never to be taken aback by anger, resentment and the likes towards anybody.
Forgiving that person might just be the force you need to keep you goimg. Never ever underestimate the power in forgiveness. Its an ability you have. You can do it. You deserve a great life.

Make forgiveness an habit. It helps. Thank you.

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