Saturday, 3 December 2016


For lovers of football from this part of the world, it's a question that i have heard quite a lot of times whenever a team is not performing so well, and there is a substitution. If the substitute happens to be a newbie (like a debut game or something ), what comes out of the lips of most is this particular question; who be this one?

The truth is the world is never ready to give you a chance. Though everybody started from somewhere somehow, but that opportunity is just too much of a luxury for the world to give you. Not everyone of us will have the opportunity to rise quickly on the shoulders of a successful family member or relative. Many will have to crawl their way up to stardom. But on your debut, be prepared to answer the question of who you are.

I remember quite vividly, the words of one of the popular Nigeria rapper (falz the badh guy as he is known). He said something that i can never forget in life. He happens to be the son of a very popular lawyer cum human righnt activist. When he ventured into music, he was often referred to as the son of Falana the great right activist. Though he has the opportunity to ride on the shoulders of his father, he discovers the need for him to make a name for himself. In his words: "i want people to say Barrister Falana, the son of Falz instead of saying Falz, the son of Barrister Falana".

Now, whether you heard the who be this one question or not, what matters most is how prepared you are when you get to that stage. Many have been allowed on the stage and were never given a second chance. Just a little opportunity,  and a lot have made a name for themselves.

They say luck is when opportunity meets preparedness. How prepared are you? How ready are you? The world is waiting for you. Go ahead and proof who and what you are made of.


Friday, 25 November 2016


One of the most catchy phrase i really love using from the bible is the one above: 'a little here, a little there.' When we were still young, we all have come across different stories that bothers on too many brooks spoils the soup (or something like that.......can't really remember well). Sincerely, this applies to our everyday life. As human beings, we really want to achieve a lot within a very short time. Dont get me wrong, its very good to be ambitious. To be passionate about a lot of things. To have so many interests. But there are lots of underlying dangers that if care is not taken, we might not only be ignorant of their effects on our lives, but might also end up with little or no result to show for it.

Ofcourse, someone might be thinking that you dont put all your eggs in one basket. But permit me to tell you, it is much easier to watch over all your eggs in one basket than in different baskets scattered all around. A little here, a little there. Can you try and imagine a situation where you are just putting all your available woods in the fire at the same time. I need not tell you the implication of what that will do to whatever meal you are trying to make.

While it is possible to achieve whatever it is you set your heart to achieve, and coupled with the fact that you have a brain that has the capacity to process as many things as possible you set your mind to, of ultimate importance is the reality of making surenthat you take a step one at a time. When a little boy who has never walk starts learning, those simple one step he takes are of utmost importance in the overall ability of such child to walk in the long run.

Many people have a lot of things they have set their hearts to achieve. Kudos to that. But permit me to use this opportunity to inform you that to makemit all a reality, u need not scramble everything together. Take it one step at a time. A little here, a little there. To help yourself, you can decide to come up with a concise time table or schedule. This will go amlong way in ensuring a fruitful productivity. Never rob yourself the joy of accomplishment. The joy that you are able to start a project and see it to the end. The joy that you started a course or program and you are able to finish successfully. Nothing brings regret as starting many things and not being able to bring even one to a completion.

Finally, i salute your vision. I salute your ambition and your desire to achieve. But always have this at the back of your mind that better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof. A LITTLE HERE, A LITTLE THERE.

Tuesday, 15 November 2016


Very popular a slang in Nigeria today is the slogan: 'who you epp?' (Meaning who have you helped). Sounds amusing and playful to say the least. But careful consideration of this slang makes a whole lot of sense and meaning to me. And i really wish to share.

Help is a way of providing or rendering any form of assistance to someone or group of persons. It is called help, not just because you are providing an assistance, but more importantly because you are meeting a need. We live in a world where everybody has a problem, a situation or a pressing need, without having someone to call on, or someone to come to their rescue. Life is so much complicated that people now rarely go out of their way to put a smile on the face of another person. Everybody has issues they are battling with, and this has robbed us of one of our sense of purpose as human beings. It always about me. Ita always about being personal.

Ever wondered why sometimes it seems as if we are in a stucked situation, it could really be as a result of we neglecting others who needs us. We need to correct this impression that the next person's problem is really as big as ours. Its a very wrong orientation. Like the cache of the popular MMM ponzi scheme, before you are qualified to be helped, you must have helped somebody. Who you epp?

Even the bible makes this point very clear in a lot of places. It talked about the seed and the harvest time. It talked about sowing and reaping. Casting your bread upon the waters. Giving and being given in good measures. All these are pointers to the fact that helping each other is a way to have a better human race. It should not only be about you alone. Put a smile on the face of someone.

What you think is a waste to you is someone else's treasure. The live you are tired of, is someone else's dream. Nothing can be too big or too small to help a fellow. Many orphanages are out there. The physically challenged. Nothing can be too small. A smile could be treasured by someone. Give it out. Your time could be what someone need of you, spend it. Clothes you domt wear, shoes you want to throw away. Many things could make a difference for someone close to you.

When next they ask who you epp, be confident in your mind that you epp person.
love you.

Monday, 7 November 2016


On my way home in a public transport some few days ago. There was a traffic gridlock. The vehicle movements were so slow. It's the type that we call "go slow" over here. One peculiar thing about this kind of situation is the fact that when you are on a particular lane, and you see the other lane moving, you will wish you were on that other lane. Back to the story. Our driver was torn between two options; remaining on his present lane, or switching over to a lane that seems free.

Passengers started airing their opinion. Go this way, go that way. Everybody giving advise on the top of their voice with cogent reasons. Now the driver becomes more confused than he was initially. All this happened in less than a minute, and the driver has a few secomds to make a decision.

The same is the scenario in the world over. We find ourselves at junctions where we need to make decisions. Decisions which might be major or minor, but still goes a long way in affecting us. At some poimts in our lifes, we are faced with issues that requires us to do something, and do it real fast. Unfortunately, many found themselves in this position unprepared, thereby taking decisions that are not deeply thought out.

The best people can do for you is to advise you. The onus is on you as a person to decide what you really want to do. People will only put themselves in your shoe, but in actual sense, the shoe is still yours and only you knows where it's really itching. Opinions are always welcome. Ideas are surely being entertained. But the real decision maker is you. In the case of the driver, despite all the shoutings, no one came to hijack the wheel from him. He still has the wheel in his hands. He still determines which way to go whether the opinion makers are satisfied or not. Its his call. So also are you.

Finally, whenever you take a decision, take full responsibility for it. Whether it's the right or wrong, be respomsible for your decisions. If it's the right one, teach others. If it's the wrong one, learn from it. This life is a leraning stage. The more we live, the more we learn.

Friday, 4 November 2016


Was with a friend some days ago, and i met him watching a very popular Nigerian series. Personally, i really detest the series. Not detest as such, but i really don't fancy it at all. And as such, i assumed most guys should really not fancy it. What a messed up assumption. I asked the guy why he will be watching such a series, when he is not a lady. And the reply he gave me got me meditating all through the period we were together. He said the reason he watches the series was due to the graphic works in it. He loves the graphic work so much being a graphic artist himself. I couldn't say anything any further.

Now, take a good look at yourself and the things you do. Why do you do what you do? Why do you wear what you wear? Why do watch what you watch? Like they used to say, abuse is inevitable if the purpose of a thing is not known. Now i have a better understanding that to cast aspersions on people for doing what they do.

Firstly, never judge anybody for doing what they do. They might definitely have a reason for their actions. Because you don't like a thing does not mean you forcing it on others. Every mallam with his kettle.

Secondly, before you do anything, or you undertake any action, always ensure to avail yourself the motive behind what you do. Make sure you do what you do because you have a reason to do what you do.

I love you.

Tuesday, 1 November 2016


Back in primary school, whenever we just resumed for the holiday, one of the major tasks that we are always assigned is writing an essay on how you spent your last holiday. There is hardly a new session we don't have to write this particular essay. One thing i remember in particular, was the fantasy i indulge in back in those days.

By the time I start to write the essay, its an all fantasy project. How I traveled to Lagos, to the bar beach, went to different eateries and so on and so forth. The kind of meals i ate and the drinks. I remember vividly, a delicacy my father used to call chicken peri peri (not even sure i got the spelling right, if at all there is anything called that). All FANTASY. But in actual sense, the holiday was spent in my fathers house, playing around and most importantly attending holiday classes. All we get to eat was AKAMU and moi moi/akara. A total divergence from whatever it is we wrote down and submit to our teacher.

This exactly is a major challenge to us, especially the youth. we live in fantasy. We live with a mindset and orientation that one day, we will get to that promise land. That one day, we will just become successful. How wrong could we be? Success is not a destination, but a journey; i can remember telling a friend of recent.

Every steps, actions, attitudes and characters we exhibit today all determines our success in life. There is never anything like he day i become successful. Its a journey, which we must be well prepared to embark on. More importantly, it is pertinent to note that success is not a measure of financial capabilities alone. It  is all encompassing.

Make a change of orientation. Set a target, a plan, a vision and a mission statement for your life. All this will be like a guide to help you life the successful kind of life you always dream of.

mind your minute, because each minute counts.

Friday, 28 October 2016


The capability of our brain as human being is one great advantage bestowed on us by God (nature). Many researches have been made as to how much can the average human brain take. What is the optimal level of assimilation and learning we can accommodate. Starting from when we are toddlers, up until now, we have actually been learning one thing or the other; knowingly or unknowingly.

Our senses have been programmed in such a way that mere seeing of somethings alone gets registered in a part of our brain, which we ourselves might not be wary of. This is actually the motivation for today's piece. Never ever stop learning. No matter how old or incapable we might seem to be, we still stand a very high chance of learning something new. Everyday! Every time!

We have seen stories, documentaries of people that decided to go back to school at a very old age. Though this might seem irrational to the ordinary person, but permit me to say it is a decision beyond an ordinary mind. It is a decision of a mind whose soundness transcends the physical attribute, age, or disposition.

Wherever you might find yourself, make a decision to task yourself to always be ready to learn something new. Make a decision to pick up a new skill. Its not all about the fact that you are done with academic education. The day we stop learning (through reading or whichever means) is the day we start dying). You are not too old, not too young, not too educated and most importantly not too dumb to pick up a new skill (most preferably out of your circle or discipline) and equip yourself for yourself and for your community.

mind your minute.

Wednesday, 26 October 2016


Found myself in the midst of a discussion today. Someone was trying to give a description for everybody. I was curious to know how i would be described. Alas! When it got to my turn; "you are always frowning your face. You hardly smile." To say i was shocked will be an understatement.  We all laughed it off.

But i tried to reason along with myself. Could it be true? Do i always frown my face? Why don't i carry a smiling and friendly face? What could be wrong with me? All this questions were popping up in my mind. And i felt a need to share my thoughts and opinion.

Most times, we seem to think things are not working formus the way it should. As a matter of fact, we tend to believe we are the only person in that kind of challenge. We seem to always ask ourselves; why always me? And its rather unfortunate that all of these things have robbed us of the happiness we are suppose to enjoy ourselves and to also share to others. We tend to believe that there is a moment in life when all we desire will be available, and then we can start to express hapiness. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

The same situation you find yourself that does not make you happy is the heart desire of some folks.  My advice to you is to enjoy life as it comes to you. Like they say, you only live once. When life gives you a lemon, make a melon from it, or turn it to a lemonade. Always note that the smile on your face could be an encouragement to someone out there. Happiness is enjoyed most when it is shared.

Make a decision to be joyful always irrespective of your disposition. Make a decision never to allow challenges and issues of life to rob you of the satisfaction you derived from being happy and making others happy too.

Thursday, 13 October 2016


Leadership comes first with responsibilities before opportunities. You must be responsible for or to something. The level of leadership determines the height of responsibilities you get. Opportunities definitely comes leadership, but first there must be responsibilities.

Wherever you find yourself, be ready to take on responsibilities. It's a setup to your opportunities. Never shy away from responsibilities. Good leaders are responsible people.

Mimd your minute.

Wednesday, 12 October 2016


Opportunity sometimes comes without warning. Opportunity sometimes comes without signs. There are times you are waiting, and it doesn't really show up. Times when all you needed is like a miracle. Yet nothing shows up.

But one thing i am sure of is the fact that when there is adequate preparations, whenever opportunities show up, you are tagged the lucky guy. Preparation is the key here. If you want to make judicious use of opportunity whenever it shows, be ready. Be prepared.

Mind your minute.

Sunday, 9 October 2016


No pain, no gain is a popular word we've all used at a point or the other. But in the real sense of it, what's the degree of pain we can actually endure whilst waiting for the gain? Whenever issues comes up, what and how do we respond to them? .

One thing we can all be assured of is the fact that on oir way to actualisation of our dreams, the road will definitely be rough. There will be times we will be faced with daunting experiences that will likely make us to try and rethink what we are doing.

But be rest assured, you are on the right way. Remain commited to your dreams. Remain totally dedicated to your calling. Your rough road today will never last. Tough times don't last, tough people do. The beginning seems scary, the ending will definitely be great. You have come too long to give up. Every great testimony comes with a test. Keep fighting.

I love you.


We are all conversant with the story of the half filled/half empty cup.  I just wish to reiterate one or two things about this wonderful story. A cup with water up to its middle is place in your front. If you are to describe it, what will be your description? Half empty or half full.

Your perspective to the things that happens around you determines the kind of person you are. When challenges face you, what is your resolution? What comes first to your mind. How do you see gourself in the thick of the storm? We will all be faced with challenges in our life, but what will your reactions be to this.

Just as the cup, never look at what you have lost, but at what you have left. No matter how little that which is left, there is still a power of multiplication that can work in it. All you need is to have a strong will believing that you can achieve what you set out to achieve. Its not over. Keep on fighting. Keep on believing.

I love you.


To bring it all to a wrap, the last part to discuss i call THE FRONTIERS. The frontiers as the name implies are always on the fore front. He is the part of the structure that people get to see. Most of the times, he takes the glory. He takes the credit.  He is the one we all get to see.

The frontier can be likened to the fruit of the effort of the whole group. He has come a long way to find himself wherever he is. One thing i will love to make known to the frontier is never to allow the glory get to his head. He must never at anytime forget to appreciate the efforts of all others at any given opportunity. Its horrible to imagine the result of a collapse in the structure. Guess who will be most affected. Its the frontier. And as such, he must be very careful.

In conclusion, wherever you find yourself in any structure, please be aware that you not playing your part is dangerous to the group. Also, the unity of each subgroup must reflect on the unity of the structure as a whole.

Always endeavour to play your part. You are too important to be left out. Whatsoever is worth doingbat all, is worth doing well. Make a difference anhwhere you find yourself. You are the best. You are a champion.

I oove you!

Thursday, 6 October 2016


Still on the matter! After the subgroup i called THE FOUNDATION....... (check the last post for details), the next subgroup of people that made the gymnastic pyramid a success are the ones i will call THE FRAMEWORKERS. Yeah! They definitely should be called that. The frameworkers. Who are they? What do they have to offer? How important are they in the structure of any organisation? All of these we will try to check out.

Ever comsider a magnificient building. The magnificience, the beauty, the design and what have you. Ofcourse, there is a need for what can be termed the supports. This is where these group of people belong. They bank on the opportunity that the foundation is able to provide for them to be able to provide a good, stromg and supportive framework for the pyramid as a whole. They are the link that must never be missing in any well structured organogram. You really can't have a working system without their input.

Just as the bones in the human body, so are these to any organisation. How possible is it to have a functioning system without a solid supportive framework. What a very great privilege for anyone to belong here. They are just as important as any other group that forms this great pyramid.

One very important thing i can't seem to get my mind off is the fact that for you to get to the top of the pyramid, you need to lean on this group of people whether you like them or not. You can totally depend on the framework they provide to get to where you need to get to on thempyramid. Just like the foumdation group, these set of people comprises of the strong, dogged willed and responsible imdividuals. They have a great understanding of the importance of their task, that they are not ready to give room for any form of mistake. No matter how strong the foundation might be, without this link, there can never be anything to call the gymnastic pyramid. Every other person lean on them for support and framework, and they understand the importance so much that irrespective of their own inconvenience and weariness, perseverance is a key word to them. They are ready to sacrifice everything to be sure the system does not collapse.

In every structured organisation,  these are the people that keeps the system goimg. Every progress and success the organisation records is as a rezult of the support they offer. Unlike the set in the foundation, they can be seen. Their work can be seen. As a matter of fact, the tiredness might be well scribed out on their foreheads, but inside of them is the fighter. Always ready to give all to male zure things are running smoothly and perfectly.

As a leader in any sphere, recognising these people will go a long way in helping you.  And if you are lucky to be a part of this sphere, its really a privilege. You are also a point man in the success story of wherever you are. Give your all. Never give up. Its really hard to provide the support in times when things seems unfavourable. But the joy of it all should be in the fact that you are too important and valuable to be discarded.

I love you.


Came across a video today online, and it has cause me to brood and reflect over it times without number. I prefer to tag it the gymnastic pyramid. Its a video of a whole lot of gymnast trying to form a pyramid. A very tall one. I am sure that days would have turned to weeks in preparations for this exercise. But what has got me thinking all the while is not even the rigour of exercises that has gone to make that show a success, but more importantly,  the ability for each person to know his place, his acts and his importance. Based on my observation,  i will like to break the whole group into three subgroups.

The first set of people that forms the largest part of the pyramid group are those i will refer to as the FOUNDATION. This is the part that carries almost the whole weight of the whole group put together. These are the set of people that forms the building block for others to be able to get to there position. Anybody going up the pyramid must definitely step on these guys. But no matter how painful it seems to be, i see them as the most important part of the team. You dont get to see them, because not only are they many, but they must also be closely knitted such that you hardly see anyone without a responsibility. The unity in this part must never be compromised.

In a lot of organisations,  there are people you rarely see, yet can be reffered to as the brain of the whole team. The kind of work or service they render might look inconsequential, but yet its indispensable. You get to see the people at the top, but you might not even get a chance to see these set of people. They are like the vital organs of the body. You dont get to see them, but they are too important to be neglected. Society has tagged them with lot of names: the silent ones, the bedrock, the expendables and what have you. If anything happens to these people, it affects the whole group as a whole.

Are you a business owner, an executive, a community leader or what have you. To be an effective leader, its paramount for you to identify these people in your realms. Identifying them will definitely set a new course for your successful career as a leader. Appreciate them in any little way you can. People dont get to see or know them, but they really deserve to be appreciated.  People only see the guy at the top of the pyramid. But without this foumdation, that guy can be nowhere near that top. You used them as a stepping stone to get to the top, please do well to clean them up. Do well to recognise with them. They are valuable. They are crucial. They are important. Thay are the foundation. And for a successful pyramid, they must be there to give support, provide a pathway, stay strong, remain committed, closely knitted amd ever dependable.

Have you seen yourself as a member of this subgroup? Don't get it twisted, you are relevant. You might not be at the pinnacle, but they definitely cant have a successful pyramid without you. This place is not a place occupied by the feeble. Its not a spot for the irresponsible or the resentful. You are here because you are strong, reliable, respomsible and loving. Continue with this, and you will definitely be rewarded in due time.

I love you.

Wednesday, 5 October 2016


Times are hard! Things are not going as planned! I think am loosing it! Why always me? Have i been forgotten? These are the kind of questions that bothers our minds whenever we find ourselves in precarious situations. We tend to think things are not working for us. Now adding the condition of things in the economy. People are loosing jobs, recession all around, business running down, loosing money, death of a loved one, a family, relative or friend. And all these questions starts popping up. Worst of all, there seems to be no answer. The silence becomes too much to bear.

My message to you this day is to inform you that its not time to give up. Help is definitely on the way. Please, do away with suicidal thoughts. Do away with thoughts of rejection. One thing am definitely sure of is this: you are never alone. Like the slogan of a popular football club, you will never walk alone. Never ever give up. Help is definitely on the way

Yes! Help is on the way. When there is hope, there definitely is a way.  It does not matter how many times you have fallen or failed. It does not matter how many times you have been rejected. It does not matter how many times you have faced disappointment.  The only thing that matters is the fact that you can still keep on trying. You can not quit. Quitting is never the solution.

Where is the help coming from? How is the help coming? Don't be troubled. Just be rest assured that help will definitely come. While waiting on the help, keep going. Keep being strong. Never give up. Keep encouraging yourself. Keep companies that sees a champion in ou. Keep trying out new things. It will only get better.

Remember, its not over.
I love you.

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Let GO (III).........HABIT

The second part of this talk will be on habit. If there is anything that determines the kind of life a person lives, habit sure takes a big crunch. Habit is a routine of behaviour that a person exhibits over time and finally becomes a sub conscious action. Truth be told, habit goes a long way in determining who you are. It gives a definition of your personality. And its very important to note that it is a reactionary chain. Something leads to habit, and habit in turns leads to somethings. There is this popular saying that the bad habit you dont drop will definitely drop you. Its very clear.

Most times when topic like this is being raised,  the things that comes to mind are bigger forms of habits. We tend to characterise them as the big ones. We lookmin the direction of smoking, drinking and so on. But it is essential for us to also take critical look at those small small habits that we tend to overlook. Gossiping, hatred,  lies etc. These and many more are habits that affectsnour way of living.

One thing that should be noted is that habit is a function of our thoughts, which in turn is a function of our words. Habit in turn determines our attitude to life. Our attitude in turn determines our character. Our character is our life. Your character is you. (Hopefullym we share minds about character soon). The bottom linenis this: to get rid of the little habits that might definitely be detrimental to our lives. How do we get rid of bad habits? How do we live the kind of life we really desire for our selves?

Firstly, be warry of the company you keep. Show me your friend, and i will tell you the kindmofmperson you are. Evil communication they say corrupts good manners. If there is a particular kind of habit you are determined to drop, take a careful and truthful look at the kind of company you believe makes you susceptible, find a way to domaway with such. It sill be a bit difficult in the beginning,  but it surely helps on the long run.

Secondly, watch the environment you find yourself. There are some habits that are dependent on the kind of areas you are. Try as much as possible to keep off such areas.

Thirdly, engage yourself with materials that advices against that habit. Reading goes a long way in helping you have better understanding from people with loads of experience. Readers are leaders. Take a full grasp of your life through deading of good books.

Lastly, seek advise. Seek for counselling. Talk with people that can help you. Share your mind with people that have something to offer you. There is wisdom in the multitude of counsel. A lot of people have gone that same road that you find yourself. They can help you. Do not keep the issues to yourself. A problem solved is half shared.

Finally, the process starts now. Its never too late to begin a process. Keep your mind on the end end mark. You will be a better person.
I love you.

Saturday, 1 October 2016

Let GO(II)...........FORGIVENESS

Whenever we talk of letting go, the first thing that comes to mind of several individuals is the issue of forgiveness.  What a very powerful word. Quite a lot of times, we have been abused, battered, offended and wronged. Many a times, it seems as if we were helpless. We were being looked down upon. Our stature, position, financial capacity and so on are factors that have affected and deny us the fair share of right attitude to be meted out to us. Many of us see forgiveness as a way of doimg a so called very big favour to the person involved. We see it as something we need to hold unto until the party involve comes around begging for it. Even in the course of begging, there is the need for us to flex our muscle. Oh what a wromg understanding.

Nothing can be farther from the truth. I describe forgiveness as the ability you possess as an individual to overlook the wrong done to you by someone else. Thats the simple definition i will like to give. And by overlooking, you are not having a biased mind against the fellow. What a very hard thing to do, you might think.

Forgiving the wrong someone else did against you should not be seen as a favour to that person. No! As a matter of fact, you are doimg yourself a great deal of good by letting go of the anger and bitterness you harbour towards your fellow. If there is one thing i am sure of, forgiveness guarantees peace of mind. It definitely looks tough and hard to do, especially when you consider the level of hurt or affliction you passed through as a result of the culprit. However, its only in the interest of you as a person to see it as an opportunity to free yourself from internal self destruct. You would have imagined how a couple of times, you feel like breaking or destroying something whenever you remember the wickedness of that fellow towards you. But i need you to realise this. Every time you have this feelings, it affects you as a person. You lost your joy, peace etc. Unfortunately,  the fellow doesn't even know what you are passing through. Does he really care? I doubt! Harbouring this kind of bitterness has been likened to improsoning yourself. Your liberty, freedom, identity are all at stake.

Am sure you really wish you can just yank it off your mind, but it always comes back.
The solution is not in believing that you are not loosing control of your mental ability. Its not in thinking that you are above the situation. The only solution is in letting go of the hatred, the bitterness, the anger, vile or what name you can think of. Forgiveness is the key. It unleashes your happiness,  liberty, freedom. It makes you the better person. Forgiveness makesmyou the stronger person. Your ability to forgive is an indication of your level of maturity as an individual.  Forgiveness is not what you will see in a child. It takes maturity to forgive someone irrespective of the situation or circumstance.

Take that bold step today. Your colleague at work, your friend down the street, your family member, your ex, anyone you can think of. If possible, take a list and start listing out the names of people that have wronged you in the past. That might just be the beginning of your healing process. You deserve to live better. You deserve to be better. Never allow that anger against someone else rob you of the good life you are to live on earth. Forgiveness should never be a religious affair. Irrespective of the religion you profess, make forgiveness an habit. Overlook the wrong that people do to you. Never allow that person to determine your state and level of happiness. Take the comtrol of your emotions from them. Take over. You own your life, and you owe a duty to yourself never to be taken aback by anger, resentment and the likes towards anybody.
Forgiving that person might just be the force you need to keep you goimg. Never ever underestimate the power in forgiveness. Its an ability you have. You can do it. You deserve a great life.

Make forgiveness an habit. It helps. Thank you.

Friday, 30 September 2016

Let GO!

There was this story of a young boy whose parents were rich. On a fateful day, this boy was playing with a very expensive vase in his father's house. Mistakenly, his hand got stucked in the vase. He tried all he could to get his hands out, all to no avail. He went to his father who tried all his best, but couldn't help his son out. Now the only possible option was for them to break the vase! An expensive vase for that matter.

However, his father told him to try for the last time. He instructed his son to stretch out his fingers inside the vase, keeping it as straight up as possible and pull out. He also demonstrated the procedure to his son. But his son told him; 'father, its not possible for me to do that'. 'Why?' asked the father with surprise. The son replied 'if i open my hands, my coin will drop inside the vase.'  Alas! He has been holding on to a coin all the while. Little wonder he could not free his hands inside the vase.

Hermann Hesse once said: some of us thinks holding on makes us strong. But sometimes, it is letting go. In our next series of updates, it is from this stiory that we will be bringing out nuggets of inspiration and motivation about letting go. A whole lot of things are needed to be released in order to get the best result. Letting go in real sense doen not mean loosing. Its a sign that we are strong enough to take certain risks in life and move on.

Please join me as we rub minds together on this series of mind blowing revelation.
Catch ya later!

Thursday, 29 September 2016

Welcome.............Here's the right place

Life as they used to say is not always a bed of roses. We live in times when things seems not to be going in our own way. When i say our own way, i mean we hardly see the expected result for our hardwork. Struggles and hustling is the order of the day, yet we have little or nothing to show for it.

Permit me to tell you that you are not the only one on that road. Quite a number of people are towing the same way, but you might not really seem to know about any. Each man has a way of covering up. There is this facade that makes us portray to the outside world that all is going well. You are not alone in this.

Mind your minute is a blog where we share minds, thoughts and feelings are made known. Do you have a story to tell, a thought to share or a question to ask, you are in the right place.
Watch out for this spot. I love you!